We help you to learn more about the rules issued by OFAC, which is the competent U.S. authority
We help you choose accommodations, restaurants and other services owned by private Cuban citizens, ensuring direct and effective support to the local economy
We give you the opportunity to meet and support young Cuban entrepreneurs who are developing their own professional or entrepreneurial activity
The quote will be based on the duration of your trip, the number of people travelling and other factors
US Citizens can visit Cuba as independent travelers if their travel falls into one of 12 categories of authorized travel. Get acquainted with the OFAC regulation
Each traveler has to engage in a full-time schedule of activities that: Enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people's independence from Cuban authorities; Result in meaningful interaction with individuals in Cuba.
Travelers need a planned itinerary that must include culture and local-business related activities for 6-8 hours per day each weekday, Monday through Friday.
Travelers have to keep their itinerary and a detailed log of their transaction for at least 5 years, (just in case OFAC will ask them evidence of it once they get back to the USA).
A PDF easy to save on your smartphone and to use during your visit (no need to have internet which is NOT always available in Cuba!)
Our Help:
We help you in applying for the “Support to the Cuban People” general license
We help you in getting your Pink Visa
We propose you a menu including several options in terms of socio-cultural activities that respect the requirements of the “Support for the Cuban people” category
We design your Support for the Cuban people itinerary, including the socio-cultural activities you have chosen
We prepare for you a template for the detailed log to be prepared and to be kept for up to 5 years
Purchase your Support for the Cuban People itinerary
Step 02
Interact with us, though the platform of your choice
Step 03
Get a Menu of socio-cultural ACTIVITIES consistent with the Support for the Cuban People program [Within 5 working days from the date of your purchase]
Step 04
Choose, from the menu, the cultural activities that best suit your interests
Step 05
Get your Support for the Cuban People Itinerary, including the selected activities from the above-mentioned menu and the related budget
Step 06
Get a template for the detailed log to be prepared and to be kept for up to 5 years